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About us

Architecture education in Iassy started in 1970 as a department in Polytechnical Institute, under the guidance of arch. Nicolae Porumbescu. His original vision and his ability to fuse principles of modern architecture with the traditional romanian architecture`s aesthetic balance gave a specific approach which influenced many generations of students and teachers. Resembling the University Centers in Cluj and Timișoara, which concurrently started their specialization, the Architecture higher education in Iassy was integrated with Civil Engineering, as a separate three year specialization.

Between 1980 and 1989, architecture specialization in the region was not granted the Numerus Claussus, and were closed after 1983.

În 1990, by Ministry approval, the Architecture schools from Timișoara, Cluj and Iassy resumed their activity, with a new academic status, including a 6 year study programme and granting the architect diploma. By 24th of november 1992, the Architecture department took the name of the distinguished and famous romanian architect, painter and writer George Matei Cantacuzino.

Starting with 2003, by Government decision, the architecture school in Iassy becomes an independent faculty of the ”Gheorhe Asachi” Technical University.

From 2007, the architect diploma granted by ”G.M. Cantacuzino” Architecture Faculty in Iassy is recognized by European Countries.